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- AmigaDos MasterClass - December 1994
- You've probably seen them, you've probably used them - noew
- John Kennedy explains how to write them: AmigaGuide
- documents.
- Despite what you might think, Commodore do occasionally have
- good ideas, and there are three which really stick out when
- I use my system. The first brainwave was to make ARexx part
- of the Workbench with release 2.04 upwards. As we saw last
- month, ARexx helps make the most of the Amiga's operating
- system and opens up all sorts of possibilities which
- other platforms can only dream about.
- The second idea was to create Installer - a user-friendly
- and universally supported program for installing software
- onto hard disks. Any vendor (shareware, freeware or
- commercial) can supply Installer and use an easy-to-write
- script that makes setting up applications and games a
- pleasure.
- The third idea was AmigaGuide - the hypertext, on-line help
- and documentation system. Now this was a really Good Thing -
- at last a standard way of displaying documents without all
- the silly hassles of using text display programs like More
- and PPMore. It's not new - there are similar systems on the
- PC and Mac, but in the typical Amiga way, it's better.
- AmigaGuide can be used as nothing more than a text display
- system, but when you start to use the embedded command codes
- you can do all sorts - from making on-line help files to
- interactive stories and even adventure games. I've also seen
- an Internet Gopher tool written using AmigaGuide.
- The 'hypertext' system is growning in popularity all the
- time: one american company even tried to patent it, which
- would have been interesting. If you have seen or used
- Mosaic, the World Wide Web browser, you'll have an idea what
- is possible.
- Write your own
- --------------
- Writing your own AmigaGuide document is easy, but the first
- thing to make sure of is that you have the AmigaGuide
- display program or you'll be wasting your time. Hunt around
- on your Workbench 3.0 disks for it, and make sure the
- Amigaguide datatype is installed - this way you can use
- Multiview to examine your documents.
- If you don't have Workbench 3 (i.e. you don't have an A1200
- or A4000 or an upgrade) hunt around for anything that says
- AmigaGuide on some of your existing software.
- (picture: guide1.jpg)
- (caption: AmigaGuide is an easy to use hypertext system.
- Many programs use it for on-line help.)
- AmigaGuide looks like figure 1 when it is running. The
- 'buttons' are added by special codes embedded in the
- document - an AmigaGuide file is nothing more than a text
- file with some special codes in it. You can create it with
- Ed, or CygnusEd or GoldEd or anyother plain ASCII text
- editor.
- The controls at the top are added automatically by the
- AmigaGuide system. Normally the window will open on the
- Workbench, and assume the largest size possible - but you
- can re-size it and push it backwards and forwards as
- necessary.
- Here is the text behind that first example.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- @database "example"
- @author "John Kennedy"
- @(c) "Copyright © 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. & 1994 John Kennedy"
- @$VER: Example 0.1 (14/10/94)
- @wordwrap
- @Node Main "Welcome"
- @{b}@{fg highlight}The CU Amiga Example Document @{fg text}@{ub}
- @{" 1. Button 1 " link ex-1}
- @{" 2. Button 2 " link ex-2}
- @{" 3. Button 3 " link ex-3}
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- As you can see, the special AmigaGuide codes appear after
- the '@' signs. There are two types - commands like
- 'database' and 'wordwrap', and attributes: which always are
- enclosed in curly brackets. Some code are pretty obvious,
- others need a little more explaination.
- The file must start with the Database word. The database is
- simply the name of the file, and the author - well that's
- you. This sort of information is only entered once at the
- start of the file - think of it as a way of keeping track of
- your AmigaGuide experiments.
- AmigaGuide works by creating different 'pages' of
- information. These pages contain text, but also links to
- other pages. Whenever you click on the links the relevant
- page is displayed. It is also possible to move between pages
- using the buttons at the top of the page, but this is
- handled automatically.
- Each page is called a 'node' in AmigaGuide parlance, and to
- create one you simply use the command @Node followed by the
- node name and the title of the new page.
- In the example, the Node is called 'Main' because it will be
- the first page that is display. Always remember to call your
- first page Main or nothing will be displayed! The title will
- appear in the title bar of the AmigaGuide window.
- Every node must have a matching Endnode - and sure enough,
- that's the last line in the example. In between Node and
- Endnode, there are a few tricky looking lines.
- The first line after Node isn't so bad when you realise that
- everything in the curly brackets is a special AmigaGuide
- attribute code (see the box out for details). You should be
- able to see that this line switched on bold text, and then
- alters the colour. The text is then displayed on-screen, and
- the bold and colour modes switched off. It is important to
- remember that any text that appears by itself - without
- codes - will be displayed on-screen.
- The next three lines are all links to other (currently
- non-existant nodes). At this point it becomes obvious that
- planning your document from the outset it important, and it
- is worth sketching down a few ideas.
- Are you going to have the entire thing menu driven from the
- start? This is quite a good way - all you need to do is
- create a link to every page in the document, and the user
- will quickly and easily be able to find their way to it.
- Alternatively, you might want to create plain text with
- occasional words acting as links - this approach is called
- 'hypertext' or 'non sequential reading' - and it is useful
- when you use a lot of jargon in your work. If the user wants
- more information, they can click on the high-lighted word
- and a page containing more information or a definition will
- be displayed.
- Finally, you may want to create gadgets at the bottom of the
- page for navigation purposes. For example, in a maze game
- the words would be North, South, East and West - and a click
- on each would bring the reader to a new page containing a
- new description of your surroundings. You might want the use
- to be able to skip several pages by creating a fast-forward
- and reverse button at the bottom the page.
- The best documents are a collection of all three methods. If
- you have time, it is especially useful if you include an
- alphabetical index in your document, highlighting all the
- important words and phrases - more on this later.
- Adding buttons
- The first link line in the document looks like this:
- @{" 1. Button 1 " link ex-1}
- The text in the quotation marks is the text which will be
- highlighted on-screen: the text which the user can click on
- with the mouse.
- The text after the word 'link' is the name of the node that
- the AmigaGuide system should move to and display if the text
- is clicked. In this example, if the user clicks on the text
- '1. Button 1' then the node/page called 'ex-1' will be
- displayed.
- Here is our example again, but this time with a new node
- which can be jumped to:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- @database "example"
- @author "John Kennedy"
- @(c) "Copyright © 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. & 1994 John Kennedy"
- @$VER: Example 0.1 (14/10/94)
- @wordwrap
- @Node Main "Welcome"
- @{u}@{fg shine}The CU Amiga Example Document @{fg text}@{uu}
- @{" 1. Button 1 " link ex-1}
- @{" 2. Button 2 " link ex-2}
- @{" 3. Button 3 " link ex-3}
- @node ex-1 "This is Page 1"
- Welcome to page 1. Page 1 has always been my favourite page,
- as it offers the promise of much better stuff to come.
- @endnode
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- You can continue to add more and more pages like this. In
- fact, you might find it easier to write the text first, and
- then go back and add all the AmigaGuide codes. There are
- even some utilitiy programs which attempt to make converting
- existing documents into AmigaGuide format easier.
- Adding links to words which are contained in sentences isn't
- hard. Here is how to add another link to the word 'promise':
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Welcome to page 1. Page 1 has always been my favourite page,
- as it offers the @{"promise" link promise-page} of much
- better stuff to come.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- (picture:guide2.jpg)
- (caption: Even words in sentences can be made into links -
- clicking on 'promise' will display a definition.)
- You can see that the text 'promise' will become highlighted,
- and clicking on it will move it the page called
- 'promise-page'. This is how you can create a list of
- definitions for words. Readers who know what the words
- already mean won't have to re-read tedious explainations,
- but new users can find out what is going on.
- The buttons at the top of the screen include two called
- CONTENTS and INDEX. The Contents button will light whenever
- the user moves away from the MAIN page - and if they click on it,
- the main page will be redisplayed.
- In this way, no matter where they are in the document, there
- is always a quick way back home to the start.
- Likewise, if you create an index page make sure to call it
- Index - if you do, the Index button will light and the user
- can move there immediately as well.
- New and Improved
- If you are using a newer version of AmigaGuide (v40 or
- better) there are extra codes available for you to use. To
- discover which version you have, select ABOUT from the menu.
- Keep a look out for newer versions of the AmigaGuide
- datatype on existing software.
- As well as extra codes, the improved AmigaGuide can handle
- pictures and ARexx commands as well - which means it can do
- just about everything. Here are some useful new commands:
- @SMARTWRAP is new and replaces WORDWARP. It is better than
- previous versions, so use it if you can.
- @ONOPEN will execute an ARexx script when the node (page) is first
- displayed.
- @ONCLOSE will execute an ARexx script then the node is
- closed.
- @PLAIN switches off all italic, bold and underlined options
- quicky and easily.
- @RETRACE All are used to provide you with a way of make
- buttons which emulate the options at the top of the screen.
- There are various other options for altering the font, and
- incorporating graphics but these will have to wait for
- another time... in other words, I haven't got them working
- yet!
- Running your AmigaGuide document
- --------------------------------
- If you have found the AmigaGuide tool in your workbench
- directories, you can use it you display your documents. Find
- the icon for the document, and double-click on the
- AmigaGuide tool - hey presto, up it should pop.
- Alternatively, find the icon for the document and change the
- tool type to read AmigaGuide. If this doesn't work, try
- using Multiview instead, as Multiview can read AmigaGuide
- documents (using the datatype) as well as displaying
- pictures, animations and sound. In fact, Multiview and
- Datatype are two more of Commodore's Good Ideas.
- (picture:guide3.jpg)
- (caption:Use the Workbench INFORMATION menu option to change
- the default tool of the document to be AmigaGuide. If this
- doesn't work, try MULTIVIEW (if you have Workbench 3 and the
- AmigaGuide datatype installed.)
- Box Out - Amiga Guide Options (all versions)
- --------------------------------------------
- @WordWrap Switch on word-wrapping facility
- @{b} Switch on bold text
- @{ub} Switch off bold text
- @{i} Switch on bold text
- @{ui} Switch off bold text
- @{u} Switch on underlined text
- @{uu} Switch off underlined text
- @{fg <flag>} Switch foreground text to colour specifed by flag*
- @{bg <flag>} Switch background text to colour specifed by flag*
- @{fg text} Switch text to normal colour
- @Node <name> <text> Start a 'node' or page of text.
- @Endnode Stop a node.
- @{ <text> link <node> Create a link to a node.
- @font <font> <size> Start use the font with given size
- @help The node displayed when the user presses HELP
- @index The node displayed when the user clicks on CONTENTS
- @title The text displayed at the top of the page.
- * Text options include: Shine, Shadow, Fill, FillText,
- Background, Highlight